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Thread: Shit that annoys you

  1. #45076
    Join Date
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    People's Republic of OB
    Quote Originally Posted by MontuckyFried View Post
    People who pull this move on the highway... "Oh shit! There's my exit!"
    Seems like most of the drivers I see do that were in the slow lane but got impatient and decided they absolutely had to pass whoever was ahead of them, even though they'd be exiting in like 1/4 mile. Get over to the fast lane, then have to get back over pronto so they can exit. They're in a hurry, ya know!!

  2. #45077
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by old goat View Post
    While we're on the subject--people who get on the freeway and immediately diagonal across multiple lanes to get in the car pool lane. Where they'll drive 5 under, if that.
    I learned from spending time in the Seattle area that the effective speed limit for the carpool lane is about 90 mph, so I could see how someone driving 50 would throw a wrench in the works

  3. #45078
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    Quote Originally Posted by riser4 View Post
    You're married to your BIL???
    I KNEW that wording would trip somebody up.

    Don't change the subject.

  4. #45079
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    Quote Originally Posted by dan_pdx View Post
    I learned from spending time in the Seattle area that the effective speed limit for the carpool lane is about 90 mph, so I could see how someone driving 50 would throw a wrench in the works
    My peoples' mass migration north is showing lol. When i first moved up here i was shocked at how slow everyone drove (comparatively). Lately, the gap has been closing.

  5. #45080
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    Quote Originally Posted by evdog View Post
    Seems like most of the drivers I see do that were in the slow lane but got impatient and decided they absolutely had to pass whoever was ahead of them, even though they'd be exiting in like 1/4 mile. Get over to the fast lane, then have to get back over pronto so they can exit. They're in a hurry, ya know!!
    Or, the flip side, they have to go around because they come up on a line of scared dumbfucks barely doing the speed minimum in the right lane because their exit is coming up in 5 or 10 miles or sometime in the next day. Stay off the freeway if you want to drive slow.

  6. #45081
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    People's Republic of OB
    The slow lane is for driving slow. You have plenty of people merging in that are not up to speed yet, others who are turning off etc.

    If you want to go fast get in one of the faster lanes and stay there.

    If you are getting off the freeway wait til an appropriate distance from your exit and chill the fuck out, the slower traffic won't hold you up for very long.

  7. #45082
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mustonen View Post
    You’ve never missed an exit that added 40+ miles to your journey? I have.

    Nice that GPS tells you what lane you need to be in these days. Agreed there’s not much excuse.
    Yeah, if only there were signs on freeways telling you how far the next exit is and what lane to be in. It would be nice if they could add signs telling you what the exit accesses and where it goes.

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  8. #45083
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    Quote Originally Posted by MontuckyFried View Post
    Haha. For real! Riser's literally the only person here who can watch those videos and be like...

    Put a beard on him and that’s probably an accurate depiction

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  9. #45084
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    Quote Originally Posted by MagnificentUnicorn View Post
    Yeah, if only there were signs on freeways telling you how far the next exit is and what lane to be in. It would be nice if they could add signs telling you what the exit accesses and where it goes.

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    I was impressed with how many signs for upcoming exits there are on the Autobahn. In France otoh the first sign is the one telling you you missed it.

  10. #45085
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    Quote Originally Posted by evdog View Post
    Seems like most of the drivers I see do that were in the slow lane but got impatient and decided they absolutely had to pass whoever was ahead of them, even though they'd be exiting in like 1/4 mile. Get over to the fast lane, then have to get back over pronto so they can exit. They're in a hurry, ya know!!
    Lol. I think that's what happened in the 2nd video I posted. The instakarma was satisfying tho.

  11. #45086
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by riser4 View Post
    Fine by me. I hate driving.
    Same. Driving is overrated and annoying. I look forward to the day I get a self driving car.

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    "Zee damn fat skis are ruining zee piste !" -Oscar Schevlin

    "Hike up your skirt and grow a dick you fucking crybaby" -what Bunion said to Harry at the top of The Headwaters

  12. #45087
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    My dream is a self driving van where I can program a destination then go hang out in the back where I have a nice bar and a bed to pass out in. Wake up in the Jackson Hole parking lot the next morning.

  13. #45088
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    In a van... down by the river
    Quote Originally Posted by evdog View Post
    The slow lane is for driving slow. You have plenty of people merging in that are not up to speed yet, others who are turning off etc.

    If you want to go fast get in one of the faster lanes and stay there.
    While this *seems* reasonable advice, it really only works if there are 4+ lanes. Less than that and you're just fucking things up if you go straight to one of the "faster" lanes and stay there.

    The right lane is for through-travel. All other lanes are for passing.

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  14. #45089
    Join Date
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    not this shit again
    "fuck off you asshat gaper shit for brains fucktard wanker." - Jesus Christ
    "She was tossing her bean salad with the vigor of a Drunken Pop princess so I walked out of the corner and said.... "need a hand?"" - Odin
    "everybody's got their hooks into you, fuck em....forge on motherfuckers, drag all those bitches across the goal line with you." - (not so) ill-advised strategy

  15. #45090
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    Quote Originally Posted by Danno View Post
    not this shit again
    Srsly - it's almost like people won't listen.

  16. #45091
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    you see a tie dye disc in there?
    Quote Originally Posted by skaredshtles View Post
    Srsly - it's almost like people won't listen.


  17. #45092
    Join Date
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    I'm back on the job market again, still tryna break into renewable energy (but still within my own field) and this is SO relatable.

    Click image for larger version. 

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  18. #45093
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    Syracuse, NY

  19. #45094
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    That could apply to every posgt in this thread.

  20. #45095
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Name Redacted View Post
    My dream is a self driving van where I can program a destination then go hang out in the back where I have a nice bar and a bed to pass out in. Wake up in the Jackson Hole parking lot the next morning.
    Fuck yeah. I don’t need or want a self driving car.

    Unless it’s an RV with me napping in back for a cross country drive. I used to have no problem with three day drives. I’m over it now.
    Kill all the telemarkers
    But they’ll put us in jail if we kill all the telemarkers
    Telemarketers! Kill the telemarketers!
    Oh we can do that. We don’t even need a reason

  21. #45096
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    Quote Originally Posted by Core Shot View Post
    Fuck yeah. I don’t need or want a self driving car.

    Unless it’s an RV with me napping in back for a cross country drive. I used to have no problem with three day drives. I’m over it now.
    I mean really, is that asking too much? America sucks at public transportation, and high speed rail will only make sense between major metropolitan areas. That's fine. But give us an opportunity to travel wherever we want, overnight, and chill in the back not even thinking about it, or looking out a window if we don't want to, and I think people might go for it.

    Would suck to end up in Jackson Mississippi by accident though.

  22. #45097
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    Quote Originally Posted by Name Redacted View Post
    Would suck to end up in Jackson Mississippi by accident though.
    You: "Drive me to Jackson WY!"
    Car: "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that."
    Car: "Best I can do is Jackson MS."

  23. #45098
    Join Date
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    SLC burbs
    Early this week Ms Boissal was hanging out with her parents and our 8-month old and grandma failed to mention that she was feeling sick. Couple days later she texts us a picture of a positive COVID test but immediately says not to worry, it's real mid, just a runny nose. We both thought that sounded weird, no way she'd test unless she was really sick. She, along with husband and SIL, spent the early COVID era playing it loose, they got WORKED when they got it, it still took some effort to get them vaxxed, in general they do everything to avoid listening to the medical professional in the family. Ms Boissal has told them a million times that until the babe is a bit older and fully immunized we need to be careful around here, even with what we think of as random colds.

    Anyway, sure enough the baby gets it, wakes up at midnight screaming bloody murder, crazy high fever, won't keep anything down including meds, getting dehydrated, really scary since it's the first time she gets sick. We get the pediatrician on the phone, she tells us that if she's not keeping meds downs and the fever is that high we should go to the ER just to be on the safe side. We get there, they confirm COVID, manage to get meds in her, and things stabilize. We go home and spend the whole day with the child tossing and turning on top of us, can't put her down or she wails non stop, 18 hours straight with no sleep. I kept sending MIL pictures of her absolutely wrecked grand daughter and she kept responding that she felt awful about the situation but couldn't understand why the babe had it so bad when hers was so mild. Because clearly exposing a completely naïve immune system to the disease is the same as one that has been immunized 3x and infected 2x with 70 years of experience against other diseases.

    Grandma eventually fessed up and admitted that it wasn't just a runny nose, she had a bad cough and body aches as well, including when she stuck her finger in the babe's mouth to feel the new tooth. Said she was scared we wouldn't let her see the baby so she didn't say anything... Guess waiting a week to see your grand daughter is too hard, better give her some gnarly cooties, that will toughen her up. Now we're waiting to get sick cause she spat in our faces at least 50 times yesterday. Grandpa is already sick as hell, I'm sure SIL isn't far behind. Sharing is caring I guess.
    "Your wife being mad is temporary, but pow turns do not get unmade" - mallwalker the wise

  24. #45099
    Join Date
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    I can still smell Poutine.
    Quote Originally Posted by Boissal View Post
    Early this week Ms Boissal was hanging out with her parents and our 8-month old and grandma failed to mention that she was feeling sick. Couple days later she texts us a picture of a positive COVID test but immediately says not to worry, it's real mid, just a runny nose. We both thought that sounded weird, no way she'd test unless she was really sick. She, along with husband and SIL, spent the early COVID era playing it loose, they got WORKED when they got it, it still took some effort to get them vaxxed, in general they do everything to avoid listening to the medical professional in the family. Ms Boissal has told them a million times that until the babe is a bit older and fully immunized we need to be careful around here, even with what we think of as random colds.

    Anyway, sure enough the baby gets it, wakes up at midnight screaming bloody murder, crazy high fever, won't keep anything down including meds, getting dehydrated, really scary since it's the first time she gets sick. We get the pediatrician on the phone, she tells us that if she's not keeping meds downs and the fever is that high we should go to the ER just to be on the safe side. We get there, they confirm COVID, manage to get meds in her, and things stabilize. We go home and spend the whole day with the child tossing and turning on top of us, can't put her down or she wails non stop, 18 hours straight with no sleep. I kept sending MIL pictures of her absolutely wrecked grand daughter and she kept responding that she felt awful about the situation but couldn't understand why the babe had it so bad when hers was so mild. Because clearly exposing a completely naïve immune system to the disease is the same as one that has been immunized 3x and infected 2x with 70 years of experience against other diseases.

    Grandma eventually fessed up and admitted that it wasn't just a runny nose, she had a bad cough and body aches as well, including when she stuck her finger in the babe's mouth to feel the new tooth. Said she was scared we wouldn't let her see the baby...
    You're lucky you're not me. Because I'd cut grandma off completely at that point and end up in Tammy's thread if the Mrs didn't follow my lead. Scared you won't get to see the baby, eh? Well, this was your last visit so I hope you enjoyed it.

  25. #45100
    Join Date
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    In a van... down by the river
    Quote Originally Posted by Boissal View Post
    Early this week Ms Boissal was hanging out with her parents and our 8-month old and grandma failed to mention that she was feeling sick. Couple days later she texts us a picture of a positive COVID test but immediately says not to worry, it's real mid, just a runny nose. We both thought that sounded weird, no way she'd test unless she was really sick. She, along with husband and SIL, spent the early COVID era playing it loose, they got WORKED when they got it, it still took some effort to get them vaxxed, in general they do everything to avoid listening to the medical professional in the family. Ms Boissal has told them a million times that until the babe is a bit older and fully immunized we need to be careful around here, even with what we think of as random colds.

    Anyway, sure enough the baby gets it, wakes up at midnight screaming bloody murder, crazy high fever, won't keep anything down including meds, getting dehydrated, really scary since it's the first time she gets sick. We get the pediatrician on the phone, she tells us that if she's not keeping meds downs and the fever is that high we should go to the ER just to be on the safe side. We get there, they confirm COVID, manage to get meds in her, and things stabilize. We go home and spend the whole day with the child tossing and turning on top of us, can't put her down or she wails non stop, 18 hours straight with no sleep. I kept sending MIL pictures of her absolutely wrecked grand daughter and she kept responding that she felt awful about the situation but couldn't understand why the babe had it so bad when hers was so mild. Because clearly exposing a completely naïve immune system to the disease is the same as one that has been immunized 3x and infected 2x with 70 years of experience against other diseases.

    Grandma eventually fessed up and admitted that it wasn't just a runny nose, she had a bad cough and body aches as well, including when she stuck her finger in the babe's mouth to feel the new tooth. Said she was scared we wouldn't let her see the baby so she didn't say anything... Guess waiting a week to see your grand daughter is too hard, better give her some gnarly cooties, that will toughen her up. Now we're waiting to get sick cause she spat in our faces at least 50 times yesterday. Grandpa is already sick as hell, I'm sure SIL isn't far behind. Sharing is caring I guess.
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