Only $19 a month......
Only $19 a month......
"If the road You followed brought you to this,of what use was the road"?
"I have no idea what I am talking about but would be happy to share my biased opinions as fact on the matter. "
Ignorance and arrogance. First of all yes, you are an idiot. Second thing is no, you're far from special and I don't value you or your opinion so shut the fuck up.
^^ Nurses that are barely nurses doing what they do poorly, by choice. Then they say that they're too busy to read instructions and the state guidelines are all they need to follow rather than the doctors instructions for how the medication s supposed to be administered. If I could've reached through the phone...
Ah, it's just a random outburst? I thought he was pissed at Freeheel 'bout something.
Never know because stuff carries over into here from Polyass sometimes.
"timberridge is terminally vapid" -- a fortune cookie in Yueyang
I don't do polyass. Nope not random. The "nurses" at my FIL's facility are mostly contract nurses, not RNs. They know that there aren't any penalties if they barely do their job so they are the least thorough medical personnel I've ever seen. They've nearly sent my fil into a diabetic coma a few times now and yesterday was borderline again. We've had two tell my wife "quiet down lady, I know what I'm doing" as they're telling her that they're doing the wrong thing because the rules allow them to. They say that they're too busy to pay attention to the details for every resident, they say "don't worry he'll be fine, these wouldn't be the rules if they were going to hurt anybody". I guess if you're barely a nurse you wouldn't understand time-sensitive or time-release medications and why it's important to give them correctly and when you're as stupid as they are you don't have to care or respect people's needs. Apparently they're also protected from legal recourse as individuals (to some extent) if a patient is damaged by their lack of attention to detail so they arrogantly ignore the details and then tell you that's what they do. The place doesn't have a nursing director so they know there's no immediate oversight. They also know that the residents have no idea what's going on, who they are, what day or even what year it is and that they won't ever complain. The corporate regional nursing director told my wife yesterday that the medical staff is afraid to talk to her so most of the time they won't answer the phone if they see her name. It's horrible.
I wish I could say it's different at other places but I can't. My dad is in a similar place run by a different company and it's the same shit. At least he's in hospice so there's another level of oversight beyond the regular on-property staff.
GL--I assume you've filed complaints with the state? Document every adverse episode as precisely as you can and keep sending them in. Although unfortunately if you do manage to get anyone's attention at the state the outcome could be closing the facility which would leave you scrambling for an alternative. But they could just be fined.
As far as nurses being protected--they aren't but they don't have enough money for a lawyer to bother suing them. Most don't have malpractice insurance. They'll only get fired if they do something that costs the facility money.
It has to go through the county health dept first. They're backed up on investigations so it's just documenting everything until they get to it. Staffing is non-existent in the NY Metro area and it's pretty much the same for a few hundred miles around so these types of facilities end up with the dregs but still charge through the fuckn nose (and every other orifice they can think of).
@OG I should call them Agency not Contract nurses. That's where their personal liability falls off and lands on the agency.
Ugh, sorry to hear that GL.
As many know, I work at one of the regional hospitals in Boise as a medical imaging technologist, I routinely interact with nurses and physicians. I can say with confidence that nursing skill is on the decline and it's "easy" to get a degree in nursing or as a medical assistant given the shortfall of available professional nursing staff. Physicians, hospitals and especially long term care facilities don't care about patients, they care mostly about reimbursement anymore. Sad.
It just sucks. It sucks for these people with severe dementia that can't fend for themselves and it sucks for the families that are mostly powerless to do better for their relatives. It's (beyond) annoying.
Oven/Stove shit the bed this weekend…This was a 10+ year old Kenmore, so it was probably due.
Any recommendations for what’s out there currently that you guys have/like/recommend? It is electric/ and yes, I know I should have gas….but not an option at this time.
Merry Xmas!
Is it dead or maybe just need a new igniter switch for the oven? Common and cheap fix. Lots of YouTube about this common problem
Edit- oops. Missed the part that it’s electric. Never mind
Induction, my good man.
"fuck off you asshat gaper shit for brains fucktard wanker." - Jesus Christ
"She was tossing her bean salad with the vigor of a Drunken Pop princess so I walked out of the corner and said.... "need a hand?"" - Odin
"everybody's got their hooks into you, fuck em....forge on motherfuckers, drag all those bitches across the goal line with you." - (not so) ill-advised strategy
I think I've replaced nearly every sub component of our Kenmore electric stove/oven over the years, for a fraction of the cost n hassle of getting a new unit. Virtually everything is avail on eBay or other aftermarket suppliers. It's far from advanced stuff -- you can do this!!!
Yes, this!
With a cheap multi-meter, and a few youtube videos, and a little patience, you can probably fix it cheaply and easily. (But you might be without for a few days depending on parts shipment time.)
Dryer, washer etc. The only time I've been unable to manage, was when it was the main board died, the unit in question was 20+ years old and the cost of a used board was nearly the cost of a new unit. (Can you say Maytag neptune? LOL)
This is where we are at. 18yo Frigidaire glass top and the model is discontinued. The control module is most likely the same in the closest model still serviceable, but at $500 shipped, wife was quite happy to pay $1200 for a new stove, with a couple added features. Basically the same model but more recent tech. Delivery on Jan 9th.
Repaired the dishwasher twice for under $150 total, washer and dryer are from the 90’s, maybe $50 and a few hours in the past 15yrs I’ve had them, and you won’t be able to pry them from my cold dead hands.
"If the road You followed brought you to this,of what use was the road"?
"I have no idea what I am talking about but would be happy to share my biased opinions as fact on the matter. "
Another healthcare rant.
Shit that annoys me and physicians. When you give CLEAR instructions to another department in medical imaging that the patient has other procedures after a simple chest xray, but the xray student asks the patient if they have other scans to do, the patient says "no", but the xray techs don't bother to check the work of the student or if the patient actually has other scans to do on an easy to access appointment list in our charting system.
Good job fuck ups!
It's the same shit. They don't care and there's nothing we can do.