Say it ain't so. That's a whole nother level of dumb.
Say it ain't so. That's a whole nother level of dumb.
When I started to read the post I just thought he was being loose with his international mail slang but oh noes lol
I had a work colleague based stateside years back that didn't understand why I couldn't get a truckload of their product overnighted from Toronto to Vancouver.
My homeboys back in SoCalif think Montana is north of the great lakes.
And? He’s partially correct
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Latitudes, how do they work…..
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I should have been more clear, I meant due north.
Back in the day I had a client in Idaho, a mining company that a couple guys from Vancouver had bought. They liked to mess with the employees sometimes. While we were there they passed around a quiz they'd found online to all the staff and to us. 10 questions, name the state capital city from a couple clues. They had a German lady in the office who did accounting and the guy I was working with was a recent transplant from South Africa. South African got 9/10, I got 8 as did one of the owners. The other owner and the German lady got 7. None of the American staff got more than 3 or 4 right.
For the love of god please stop replying to emails with “thank you” as the entirety of the message for routine activities that don’t need it. I get enough email as it is.
Bonus points if you don’t reply all to 20 people.
"fuck off you asshat gaper shit for brains fucktard wanker." - Jesus Christ
"She was tossing her bean salad with the vigor of a Drunken Pop princess so I walked out of the corner and said.... "need a hand?"" - Odin
"everybody's got their hooks into you, fuck em....forge on motherfuckers, drag all those bitches across the goal line with you." - (not so) ill-advised strategy
Pro move obviously is to reply all scolding the reply all people.
My org. switched to using BCC to announce job opportunities (which are all around the country and world) and other news. It helps with the reply all issue, but unfortunately they also use varying subject lines which makes it difficult to auto filter these irrelevant to me email into a folder so they don’t clutter my inbox.
The best is when they screw up something in the email so there are two, three or even four in a row for the same topic.
sent paypal payment for a Gear Swap item to the wrong person - misspelled the name - fortunately it wasn’t too big a pain in the ass to get a refund from the random
I didn't believe in reincarnation when I was your age either.
Colorado Gives Day annoys the fuck out of me.
"fuck off you asshat gaper shit for brains fucktard wanker." - Jesus Christ
"She was tossing her bean salad with the vigor of a Drunken Pop princess so I walked out of the corner and said.... "need a hand?"" - Odin
"everybody's got their hooks into you, fuck em....forge on motherfuckers, drag all those bitches across the goal line with you." - (not so) ill-advised strategy
But she's not considering EATING those people's innards, you think?
More seriously, conceptually it's all perfect sense. She thinks eating animals, isn't awesome. And she worries about microbes. (Chopping her veggies after raw meat? Dude, you're probably lucky to still be alive!)
Honestly, it sounds like you all get on really well - like real adults should - respecting the choices you each feel strongly about. Bravo.
I always worry about doing that. Glad to know that I won't be alone when I do.
Isn't it venmo that has you provide the last four digits of the phone number or something to try to prevent this? (I don't much care for venmo - even though paypal and venmo are the same company now. But that's a plus.)
"fuck off you asshat gaper shit for brains fucktard wanker." - Jesus Christ
"She was tossing her bean salad with the vigor of a Drunken Pop princess so I walked out of the corner and said.... "need a hand?"" - Odin
"everybody's got their hooks into you, fuck em....forge on motherfuckers, drag all those bitches across the goal line with you." - (not so) ill-advised strategy
more money than brains
I didn't believe in reincarnation when I was your age either.
Congratulations for purchases. First home? Sure. First car? Maybe. Everything else, no.
Is it radix panax notoginseng? - splat
This is like hanging yourself but the rope breaks. - DTM
Dude Listen to mtm. He's a marriage counselor at burning man. - subtle plague
The constant barage of spam from Palisades telling me how excited I should be about the base to base gondola. How about getting some actual ski lifts open instead. They're failing epically (or should I say Ikonically?) with some excellent December snow. Their operations blog says they can't open Summit until they get 2 more feet of snow on the runout, despite the fact that Roundhouse, which uses the exact same runout has been open. Liars.
I posted this in the Evo thread (but could have posted it here):
It finally shipped, but FedEX won't allow me to cancel the shipment. Instead, I must allow them to ship the package from Nevada to here, then give it back to them. According to their website, I might be able to skip that step by putting a note on my door for the delivery person, but I have no confidence that will actually work.
"fuck off you asshat gaper shit for brains fucktard wanker." - Jesus Christ
"She was tossing her bean salad with the vigor of a Drunken Pop princess so I walked out of the corner and said.... "need a hand?"" - Odin
"everybody's got their hooks into you, fuck em....forge on motherfuckers, drag all those bitches across the goal line with you." - (not so) ill-advised strategy