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VIDEO: Québécois Urban Skiing with Mathis Bélanger

Quebec is a special place, home to harsh winters, a unique splinter of French culture, and some of the world's best freestyle skiers. In particular, the province's urban skiing scene is a breeding ground for game-changing talent, spawning the likes of Phil Casabon, Jacob Belanger, J.P. Auclair, and oh-so-many more.

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After some internet sleuthing, it seems that Mathis isn't related to his nominal relative Jacob. That said, their skiing styles do bear a striking familial resemblance, so take from that what you will.


About The Author

stash member Zack Skovron

Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, now living in Jackson, WY. I’m an avid skier, biker, hiker, climber, and fisherman. Outside of sports, my major interests focus on public policy surrounding land use and energy systems.