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The Fifty Ep. 12: The Grand Teton ft. Jimmy Chin

Episode 12 of Cody Townsend and Bjarne Salen's "The Fifty" follows the dynamic duo up and down the Grand Teton, one of Jackson, WY's most iconic features. The 13,775-foot peak is no easy ascent, requiring a fair bit of technical climbing. With that in mind, Cody and Bjarne enlist the help of the one-and-only Jimmy Chin, a longtime Teton resident. 

RELATED: The Fifty Ep.11- Cody Takes Some Giant Steps

Jimmy Chin makes his way towards the col. Bjarne Salen photo.

Townsend, Salen, and Chin face gusting winds, brutal cold, and unforgiving terrain in their quest to summit and ski the Grand. Will they manage to ski the Tetons' crown jewel? 

great video, i really like the view, very beautiful, thanks for share

About The Author

stash member Zack Skovron

Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, now living in Jackson, WY. I’m an avid skier, biker, hiker, climber, and fisherman. Outside of sports, my major interests focus on public policy surrounding land use and energy systems.