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​Ian McIntosh Relives the Glory Days In Magic Hour

We’ll let you in on a little secret – it all gets harder when you get old, but that doesn’t make it all any less worth it. Ian McIntosh might be getting on in years, but he’s definitely not slowing down. Despite the bones being a little worse for wear, Mac and his buddy Sage headed north to put their legs to the test at Stellar Heli Skiing while filming for Magic Hour. It was a trip chock full of remembering why age is all a matter of perspective – if the style and finesse the Völkl and The North Face athlete brings to massive BC spine lines is any indicator, we’d think he still in his 20s. Maybe that’s what a lifetime of experience in the mountains gets you: longevity. Congrats to Sage and Ian for winning IF3’s Best Backcountry Segment of Magic Hour digital download and streaming available at

Deep pow keeps you young. | Jeremy Allen photo.

Old bones? Yeah right. | Jeremy Allen photo.

Hanging out with old buddies. | Jeremy Allen photo.

Little skier, big mountains. | Jeremy Allen photo.

Isn't there an age limit for these things? | Jeremy Allen photo.

In Magic Hour, Ian McIntosh relives the glory days of his youth, when he was the top student in his class and the captain of the football team. He reminisces about the friends he made and the adventures they had together. best doctor for rheumatoid arthritis near me  He also reflects on the choices he made that led him to where he is today. While he has achieved success in his career, he can’t help but wonder what might have been if he had made different choices.

Sometimes I also want to let go of everything and go on such trips with people. But conditions do not allow. Really admire them.


Sometimes I also desire to abandon everything and embark on similar journeys with others. However, conditions do not permit it. Admiringly admire them. Thank you for sharing. | acoustical drywall

About The Author

stash member Max Ritter

I manage digital content here at TGR, run our gear testing program, and am stoked to be living the dream in the Tetons.