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​Behind the Line: Nick McNutt’s Backcountry Moon Booter

When Nick McNutt is filming in the backcountry, he’s all about using natural features to boost stylish tricks off. Most of the time, mother nature provides more than enough for him to get airborne, but sometimes he wants a little bit more. This year, while filming for Magic Hour in British Columbia, McNutt was inspired to build a veritable cheesewedge to launch himself into near earth orbit alongside Kai Jones on a greybird day when other lines were out of the question. The duo recruited the help of the entire production crew to chop and stack blocks to form a double (Kai) overhead lip. Catch more of Nick and Kai in Magic Hour, available for streaming and digital download today.

About The Author

stash member Max Ritter

I manage digital content here at TGR, run our gear testing program, and am stoked to be living the dream in the Tetons.