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Ian McIntosh - Soundcheck

Ian McIntosh is pumping a lot of DJ and house mixes these days to get him pumped for pow days. Adam Clark photo.

British Columbia-based big mountain shredder Ian McIntosh is a renaissance man in of the action sports world. One of best to ever ride the steep spines of Alaska, McIntosh is also an accomplished BASE jumper and wingsuit pilot. Ever wonder what music fires up Ian to jump off cliffs with a parachute or a pair of skis? We recently talked with the red headed wonder about his relationship with music and in this week's edition of Soundcheck

What are you listening to right now? 

I’m a pretty big fan of a broad spectrum of music. These days, more than anything I am listening to a lot of DJ and house mixes.  I enjoy listening to reggae, but even then it is usually a mix. Groups I like are the Funkhunters, Gramatik–those types of groups. I have a lot of friends that are DJ's here in Whistler who I listen to.  I always try to mix it up, because in the past I would get really bored of my music. These days, with something like Soundcloud or Spotify, I am constantly able to find new music. Most of the time it is something that I have never heard of before. 

Do any places remind you of certain types of music?

"When I was in Norway BASE jumping two summers ago, I was listening to Gramatik. That became the soundtrack to that trip." Adam Clark Photo

I think the more than anything, what I was listening to at that particular time influences what I associate with a place. Other than that, nothing too specific comes to mind. When I was in Norway BASE jumping two summers ago, I was listening to Gramatik. That became the soundtrack to that trip. 

Do you listen to different music when BASE jumping as opposed to skiing? 

It is a bit of what I am into at the time. I find them both so similar; whether it is BASE jumping or skiing, there is not a huge difference with regards to music choice. I usually listen to the same sort of music, whether it is Odesza or a Marley-vibe reggae mix. 

Do you listen to music while you ski?

Ian performing a wingsuit base in Italy. 

Usually when I am skiing the hill I will have my Bluetooth set up in my helmet. I really like this, because it allows me to have a bit of soundtrack going to my day. I can have it quiet enough where I can still talk to my friends on the chairlift or hear my surroundings. 

Ian sent TGR some of his favorite tunes. You can check them out below or on Soundcloud.

From The Column: Soundcheck

About The Author

stash member Jonathan Desabris

Digital Content Producer at TGR. Jackson Hole transplant from the Green Mountain State. Contrary to popular belief I have never lived in New Jersey.
