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What Songs Fire Up FWT Skier Sam Smoothy - Soundcheck

Sam Smoothy claims the top spot at the Andorra stop of the FWT. Sam Smoothy Instagram 

New Zealand skier Sam Smoothy impressed the world with his jaw dropping line at the Andorra stop of the Freeride World Tour. TGR was able to catch up with Smoothy while on break filming in Terrace, British Columbia to ask him what songs fire him out. Check out his response in the latest edition of Soundcheck. 

What is your relationship with skiing and music? 

Music and riding for me are strongly linked, songs from my favorite ski segments I remember because of those mind blowing moments. Songs that I have used in competition are special because the remind me of those great sunny days where everything comes together. I also use music to psych myself up for those big scary moments, or just to get my head in the game more when I'm struggling a bit.

Who is your favorite artist? 

My favorite musician changes fairly regularly, but I'm a massive classic rock fan boy, so bands like Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin will always stand out for me.

Do you listen to different types of music for different terrain? 

Styling it out at Andorra. Sam Smoothy Instagram 

I do change up my music depending on what kind of skiing I'm doing that day. I have been listening a lot to some kiwi drum n' bass, like the Shapeshifters track "Dutchies" and some mellow psychedelia rock for chill pow days. When I am in the backcountry I like long, drawn out rock with a sweet build and groove, like The Datsuns "Eye of the Needle". The track I use for competitions at the moment is "The Bold Arrow of Time" by Tame Impala. I try to time it so the songs main riff kicks off right as I reach my first big feature, it really helps me keep the foot on the gas pedal. 

Check out the playlist below or here.

From The Column: Soundcheck

About The Author

stash member Jonathan Desabris

Digital Content Producer at TGR. Jackson Hole transplant from the Green Mountain State. Contrary to popular belief I have never lived in New Jersey.

hm..really good taste

this is a really nice playlist to ride, BRMC, baba o`riley, tame impala, LZ, PF…hm..

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