Bad kitty!
I call bullshit. Yes a snowcat ran over that ski. It’s a Roxy, which is a woman’s brand. Where is the rest of the parts and pieces?
Tracks and a tiller will process a ski no problem. No blood, which is optimal
My bad. I didn’t put the pieces together that that was your ski. How’d you lose it?
i hit a compression under the powder and it unclipped. i blame the tyrolia rental binding. skied out on one ski. started digging and couldn't find it. 10days later the patrollers called me, said they found what was left of my ski.
i was hoping for a late spring melt out....
Epoxy and clamp.
Aquaseal, eh?
g flex and bbq skewers. pm xxx-er for in depth instructions.
swing your fucking sword.
Legit thought was a new Rax at first glance
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you can fix that.
We lose a few pair of rentals every year to people leaving their skis a little too far outside their slopeside condo on a snowy night. I love seeing what a tiller will do to a squirt core POS.
Not mine, but might be a deal?
Will teilen:
Need a get a hold of Tom from Austria for some wings. Guess he hibernates until it is time for the real shit!
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Those look mint!
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Yeah, doesn't look bad. Don't recognise the bindings immediately, but seems like they are included.
Not sure if the Mana was the follow up to the ct.
? sorry, I was just browsing the usual sites myself.
Any excuse looking for skis is legit!
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