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Thread: Is the US going to Annex Canada? by force? or just destroy the Canadian Econ for fun

  1. #801
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Is the US going to Annex Canada? by force? or just destroy the Canadian Econ for fun

    Quote Originally Posted by byates1 View Post
    I said nothing about anyone's daughter.
    You really typed that out and thought “yeah I got em on this point - no one can prove me wrong on this using my own words”

    It was always apparent you were an immature asshole incel lashing out at the world. But these past few days your posts have also proven you’re on the left hand side of the bell curve when it comes to intelligence.

  2. #802
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    At least I don't have to ask my wife how to change my bike chain

  3. #803
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    I’m shocked that you’re married

  4. #804
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by MagnificentUnicorn;[emoji[emoji6[emoji640
    [emoji638]][emoji640][emoji639]][emoji637][emoji[emoji6[emoji640][emoji638]][emoji640][emoji6[emoji640][emoji637]]][emoji[emoji6[emoji640][emoji638]][emoji640][emoji639]][emoji638][emoji[emoji6[emoji640][emoji638]][emoji640][emoji639]][emoji[emoji6[emoji640][emoji638]][emoji640][emoji639]]]I’m shocked that you’re married
    He’s not, he’s just a guy who lives in a van and gave up on the future a long time ago so he’s happy to see other people suffer.

  5. #805
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    I'm not. Benny tho struggles w basic bike upkeep and has to defer to his. He's too busy being a snobby wealthy elitist looking down on everyone.

  6. #806
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    I'm quite content having 4-7 different chicks I see sometimes. No need for a full time nag.

    I haven't given up on anything. Good to see us taking a real look at 40T in debt. It's understandable anyone on the left is upset, you all got your ass handed to you.

  7. #807
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Golden BC
    New tariffs on everybody. 25% on steel and alum. Crazy town as last time US manufacturers could avoid the tariff by buying alternate countries. This way the US manufacturer pays the tariff. Just think the alum cans in your basement just got a lot more valuable.

    The U.S. and Canadian aluminum industries are highly integrated, as each market is a major trading partner of the other
    across the aluminum value chain. In 2021, more than 75% of Canadian production went to theUnited States, while roughly
    half of U.S. downstream products were exported to Canada. U.S. primary aluminum smelters operated at 55% of the
    industry’s rated production capacity in 2021, compared with 95% in Canada and 88% globally. Over half of global primary
    aluminum smelting capacity is in China, which has become the world’s leading producer in most segments ofthe aluminum
    value chain over the past two decades. "

    So some room for US to increase capacity but will need the elec power that the tech bros are using.
    Mrs. Dougw- "I can see how one of your relatives could have been killed by an angry mob."

    Quote Originally Posted by ill-advised strategy View Post
    dougW, you motherfucking dirty son of a bitch.

  8. #808
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Rusal went under sanctions in '22 and US aluminum producers went an ordering spree. Dunno how much of that is still coming online, but '21 stats are old.

  9. #809
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by byates1 View Post
    At least I don't have to ask my wife how to change my bike chain
    Sick burn bro

  10. #810
    Join Date
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    North Vancouver/Whistler
    Quote Originally Posted by bennymac View Post
    “Canada is not used to America being this weak and fragile”
    Wow. Stephen Marche. "The Next Civil War". Brutally fatalistic. Will give it a read. Thanks.

    One excerpt talks about the American liberals as being complicit "American liberals in the major cities retain a kind of desperate faith in the country’s institutions that amounts nearly to delusion"

    One wonders if that can be extended to Canada's small l liberals.

    On another note friends in Blaine and Bellingham crossing the border say that Peace Arch and Truck Crossing were deserted and that it was easy driving both N and S. Also that there was almost no Canadian plates in local area malls and shops.

  11. #811
    Join Date
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    Golden BC
    this is from Alum Assoc brief to Trump , he didn&#39;t seem to listen Domestic aluminum manufacturers need strong trade remedies and enforcement to compete with government-subsidized production that is deliberately oversupplying the marketplace. China has supported its domestic aluminum industry with more than $60 billion in government subsidies in recent years, according to analysis by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). But trade enforcement must be targeted. Today, the U.S aluminum industry can only supply about one-third of the primary aluminum it needs to meet demand. That means we must rely on imports of primary aluminum from Canada and other market economies. It doesn&#39;t seem like the US has increased its primary capacity just its downstream processing like rolling capacity</p>
    Maintain: Reinforce the partnerships and supply chains the ensure America&rsquo;s aluminum manufacturing dominance, starting with vital partners like Canada. In his first term, President Trump successfully negotiated a Section 232 tariff exemption for Canada that currently provides ~2/3 of the primary aluminum used by U.S. manufacturers. Continue to monitor trade flow and harmonize tariff regimes in North America. Close loopholes that encourage imports of unfairly traded aluminum that disrupt the domestic market.&nbsp;</p>
    Mrs. Dougw- "I can see how one of your relatives could have been killed by an angry mob."

    Quote Originally Posted by ill-advised strategy View Post
    dougW, you motherfucking dirty son of a bitch.

  12. #812
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    We’ve got a giant aluminum smelter here that’s been sitting idle for about ten years now and we’ve got the cheapest electricity in the country. I don’t get it

  13. #813
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    on the banks of Fish Creek
    your electricity won't ever be as cheap as hydro quebec. the electricity that the aluminum plant up the road in massena usta use is now being diverted to bitcoin production to underwhelming success... How Bitcoin mining devastated this New York townMIT Technology Review › 2022/04/18 › bitco...

  14. #814
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    Shuswap Highlands

    Is the US going to Annex Canada? by force? or just destroy the Canadian Econ for fun

    Quote Originally Posted by MagnificentUnicorn View Post
    We’ve got a giant aluminum smelter here that’s been sitting idle for about ten years now and we’ve got the cheapest electricity in the country. I don’t get it
    Alcan’s smelter in Kitimat has been idle for years too. Company has made more profit off of the electrical from the Kenney Dam for some time.

  15. #815
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    So Hydro Quebec rates are lower than two to three cents a kWh?

  16. #816
    Join Date
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    Golden BC
    per the Rio Tinto site the BC works is still in operation ?

    Our BC Works operation, in Kitimat, British Columbia, comprises a newly modernised aluminium smelter and the Kemano Powerhouse, a hydropower facility supplied by the Nechako reservoir. From Canada’s west coast, we transport our products by ship and rail, primarily to customers in Japan, South Korea and the United States.

    With a total contribution of over C$517.6 million to the British Columbia economy in 2023, we are one of the single largest contributors to the province’s manufacturing GDP.
    Mrs. Dougw- "I can see how one of your relatives could have been killed by an angry mob."

    Quote Originally Posted by ill-advised strategy View Post
    dougW, you motherfucking dirty son of a bitch.

  17. #817
    Join Date
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    northern BC
    I think Rio Tinto makes more money selling power than making Aluminium, locally we are sometimes running on Kemano power and the cycles are a LITTLE different so your electric clock could be off but the real question, how is America gona make defense weapons to go meet people all over the world and kill them without&nbsp; Aluminium or steel ?</p>
    Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know

  18. #818
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    Shuswap Highlands
    Interesting. Looks like recent increases in production.
    While I was living in the Bulkley in the 2000’s, it was largely idled and making bank off of the reservoir energy.
    Good to see it back contributing to local economy.

  19. #819
    Join Date
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    northern BC
    Yeah selling power to the imperialist yankee dogs was much easier than making Aluminium

    my ski bud did kemano Aviy control , sez there was some pretty BIG snow
    Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know

  20. #820
    Join Date
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    northern BC
    SO I just heard a Trump news bite on the CBC, all he talked about is the 51st state thing, he didnt say anything about fentynal or fugees at the border but I&#39;m not suprised eh</p>
    I still can&#39;t find Red Dawn on the screen ?</p>
    Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know

  21. #821
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    That power plant is an incredible feat of engineering.

  22. #822
    Join Date
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    northern BC
    You sure couldn't get that whole project past permitting nowdays they fucked the Cheslatta people pretty good for some of them the water just came up and some of the FN didnt even know it was coming as I understand ?
    Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know

  23. #823
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    So Hydro Quebec rates are lower than two to three cents a kWh?
    You can buy a lot of Canadian pennies with a USD.</p>
    "We don't beat the reaper by living longer, we beat the reaper by living well and living fully." - Randy Pausch

  24. #824
    Join Date
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    in the trench
    Capt chaos doing his thing. Meanwhile the coup excelerates with Musks africana gestapo thugs blocking elected officials from govt buildings

    Sent from my SM-S711W using TGR Forums mobile app

  25. #825
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by XXX-er View Post
    You sure couldn't get that whole project past permitting nowdays they fucked the Cheslatta people pretty good for some of them the water just came up and some of the FN didnt even know it was coming as I understand ?

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