I don't think Europe has any choice but to step up. Trump and Hegseth made it clear that even our oldest and best allies in Europe can't depend on our promises or security agreements anymore. No nation should take us at our word anymore because, sadly, Trumps word is our word now and his hasn't ever been worth much. And it will all make the world a less safe place.
"Candor is clarifying. If you’re a liberal regime with the misfortune to have an authoritarian predator as a neighbor, you’ve received what’s tantamount to official notice from Washington that you should begin building nuclear weapons post haste. We’ll know that the hard truth about the end of the Pax Americana has finally sunk in if news starts trickling out this year that various U.S. allies—Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Japan, South Korea, uh, Canada—are developing nuclear bombs and the requisite delivery systems to keep the wolf at their door away.
When the world’s policeman walks off the beat, the only way to protect yourself is to grab the biggest gun you can find and prepare to shoot to kill."
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do."