If you can get past the price tag (or still support bc.com/stoic) then get the thinnest long sleeve zip neck merino top you can find (usually 150 - 200 max). Start your layering system from there. If you need more, you can add synthetic on top - as others have said, cheaper, more durable, dries faster. Wool for next to skin is unmatched in my opinion. If you go above 200 weight, then it gets more expensive, dries more slowly and weighs more. Zip open the chest and roll up the sleeves and its almost as good as a T shirt when it's roasting or you're really working. Throw something like a 3-4oz wind shirt (eg Houdini) on over it and you'll be surprised how cold it can be while you're still comfortable and passing all your buddies stopping to switch out their heavy layers (bring a puffy for when you stop).
"Kids today, all they talk about is big air. I say, stay on the mountain, that's where the action is. If you want big air, pull my finger." ~Smooth Johnson~