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Candide Thovex Throws Massive 120-Foot D-Spin 720 on Skis

Chad’s Gap, a 120-foot void between two mine dumps in the backcountry of Utah’s Wasatch Mountains, was named after Chad Zurinskas. Zurinskas was a local skier who first recognized the gap’s potential as a ski jump of extraordinary proportions.

It’s pretty well known that the gap doesn’t give anything easy, and anyone who can just land it has definitely earned it. What makes Candide Thovex’s attempts that much more alluring is that he didn’t want to just hit the thing simply; he wanted to do something extraordinary.

RELATED: 7 days until the premiere of TGR's new film Tight Loose. Watch the trailer and get tickets here. 

Candide slammed the wall, hiked back up, slammed again, and hiked back up again… four times.

His commitment to the kicker paid off and on day two, he landed a massive D-Spin 720, a trick that was considered one of the most technical of the times.

About TGR's Top 21 Moments:

This year, TGR turns 21 years old. To celebrate, we're resurfacing TGR founders, Todd and Steve Jones', favorite moments from filming over the last 21 years—the moments that made TGR what it is today. One video a day until the world premiere of our new film "Tight Loose" on September 17 in Jackson, Wyoming. 

Wow… I am truly awestruck after watching the video. His will power is something that has to be praised. He seemed so determinant about the jump and he made it after a few jumps. Even those other jumps he made were so brilliant ones and that is something everyone could pull off.
washington monument tour

About The Author

stash member Teton Gravity Research

It all began with a dream and a little cash scraped together from fishing in Alaska... Since 1995, we've been an action sports media company committed to fueling progression through our ground-breaking films (37 and counting) and online content.