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  1. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by 300hp View Post
    I don't know what this means, but I laughed.
    Go to Whistler and you'll swear you are in Australia, probably the largest population of Aussies north of Australia.

  2. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Raht neer da beech
    Ok, before Poachninja gets beat up I want to make it perfectly clear that Poachninja is not-for-profit entity. Nobody affiliated with Poachninja is making a dime in fact Stuntcok will probably end up loosening a chunk. The $1 per sticker charge is to help recoup some of the costs of the BROs he is giving away.

    Some of us felt the need for a regional forum that didn't have the fascist moderation or huge gaper infiltration of the current Japan. We also wanted to create a user created source of beta on freeriding in Japan in the form of a Wikipedia like guide to skiing/riding in forums.

    Stuntcok's Ninja Manefesto:
    The Poach Ninja was born in the side-country of a Japanese ski resort where ski patrol had arbitrarily drawn the out-of-bounds line. A small group of freeriders took matters into their own hands, poaching lines that were deemed a big No-No. Historically, ninjas concealed themselves from samurai by wearing all black, like a cloak in darkness. We too, the poach ninjas, conceal ourselves from the clutch of ski patrol by wearing white from head to toe. We ride, ski, and slide with stealth that sticks it to the man on and off the slopes. Beta, good times, good laughs, stoke, and poach-ninja skills, we bring you

    For those of you that have already ordered your orders are inroute.

  3. #28
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    right at the lights, straight on till night
    all the best with the site but...

    the way you recoup the cost of the skis is thru the value of the exposure that comes from good sticker placement...

    charging for the stickers, imho, is fucking gay
    when everything in the world is at its darkest, it takes a big man to kick back and party.

  4. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Tokyo, Japan
    I thought about sending the stickers for free but to be honest, with others doing the distribution and collection it would have likely meant putting my friends out of pocket. I will still end up being personally out of pocket for the whole effort as well as for the sticker promo. As for exposure, there is no economic value in it for me. Poachninja doesn't sell advertising or make any money off of liking to other sites or whatever. All of the content is community driven and that is how I intend it to stay. If I were to actually turn some kind of surplus by selling things, I would use that money to hire professionals to enhance the usability of the site (which is currently run entirely by volunteer labour, particularly Hohes). The reason I am using this giveaway gimick is to increase awareness not to commercialize the venture but to improve it via more user input and interaction. Sure, the stickers aren't free (and I will admit, Loon's first post suggested they would be) as many other stickers are but how many other sticker purchases give you a chance of winning free skis?
    Days on snow this season: 54 Last Season: 83

  5. #30
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    nocation, usa
    Just ordered some. Should be a good time.
    If you show me your pizza, I'll show you my french fry

  6. #31
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    nocation, usa
    What's the word on the contest's end date?
    If you show me your pizza, I'll show you my french fry

  7. #32
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Where babies are made
    Send me stickers. I live near DC and I'll see if I can slap on on the side of Air Force 1.
    Of all the muthafuckas on earth, you the muthafuckest.

  8. #33
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Raht neer da beech
    Quote Originally Posted by snow_slider View Post
    Send me stickers. I live near DC and I'll see if I can slap on on the side of Air Force 1.
    Order'm up via paypal. I am thinking an Air Force 1 poach would be a front runner for the skis.

  9. #34
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I'll play. Just give us plenty of time. paypal sent
    A woman reported to police at 6:30 p.m. that she was being "smart-mouthed."

  10. #35
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    New England
    Quote Originally Posted by snow_slider View Post
    Send me stickers. I live near DC and I'll see if I can slap on on the side of Air Force 1.
    Ummm... AF1 good, but what about the shuttle?:

    Screw the net, Surf the backcountry!

  11. #36
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Raht neer da beech


    Right now we only have about 5 contestants in the contest. Not exactly the type of turnout we were expecting considering we are giving away these sick skis. The season has run its course but there is still time to get in on the contest. Anyone who submits a photo now will have a 1 in 6 chance to win these badass skis. Pretty crazy odds. will be ending the contest on May 18 that gives everyone 6 more weekends to poach the planet. Still accepting orders and they will get there much faster this time as they will be shipped from AK and not Japan now.

    Due to the giant roll of stickers I have left, I felt the need to bump this thread.

    Related thread

    Any feedback as to why this contest has so little participation is also welcome, we gotta do better next season.

    Happy Poaching

  12. #37
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    are you kidding? $1 per sticker to give you free publicity? no thanks.

  13. #38
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Van City and Whistler
    Bump because a 1 in 6 chance to get the most versatile skis on the planet is pretty awesome.

  14. #39
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Does Stuntcok have stickers with him? ;p
    == | slacktopia | ==
    still bangin' beats

  15. #40
    Join Date
    May 2002
    fuck. tough crowd. shoulda done a raffle, stunts.
    for a free pair of skis i woulda shot the circle of pussy around that sticker.
    but i already gots some poachninja skis.

  16. #41
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    How the hell can we compete with this anyway? (NSFW) Post 28 A Plea to Ullr
    Before big games I shoot Rabies, it gives me the edge I need and it’s undetectable. Only idiot losers do steroids anymore...

  17. #42
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Treading Water
    1. Maybe 10 stickers for a buck.
    2. Extend the end of the game and post the date ahead of time.
    3. Post pictures here so people will give a shit and other mags don't have to put up links to padded room.
    4. Drop the nekid pic request. I KNOW THIS SOUNDS LIKE A BAD IDEA, but if you want cool fun poaching pics that all mags can have fun tagging versus sluttiest girlfriend willing to show her bod on the interwebz, then you should ask for poaching pics. If you want nekid, well someone's already won and there's no incentive to buy your stickers.
    5. When the maggot collective gives you feedback about not wanting to pay $10 for stickers, then you bark back a defense for your decision to charge $10, then nobody buys them; it's redundant to ask for feedback.
    6. I think it's a cool idea. Good luck getting it to fly. I'd love to get a free pair of Lasa Pows, but I'll feel pretty stupid when my old lady asks what the $10 charge on the credit card is for.

  18. #43
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Is it nsfw is she has her panties on?
    Impressive work, but those pics are kinda blurry.
    So, yes, Sphinx and jm2e, it can be outdone.
    But I must admit such a great post was kinda prejaculatory for the contest.

  19. #44
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Treading Water
    I guess you're right the pic could be better. But it's not really a poach unless she didn't know it was being done, which gets into the creepy realm.
    I do like the idea of a FKNA sticker contest, and I don't see there being any conflicting message at all. I'd certainly buy a pack of stickers for that raffle.

  20. #45
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by jm2e View Post
    sluttiest girlfriend willing to show her bod on the interwebz

    For the record, this was done by a women who understands the love for her and pow days are the same, but different. She only wants my broke ass to ride the sickest ski out there. If that isn't true love I don't know what is.

  21. #46
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Raht neer da beech
    ^^^ Amen Brudha, I have been on my Lhasa pows about 35 days now and they make any kind of snow bonerific!

    The raffle idea is a good one, I'll bounce it off Stunts for next season.
    Last edited by Loon; 04-10-2009 at 05:38 PM.

  22. #47
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    In rain shadow of the Sierra CC,NV

    Head to Toe

    Quote Originally Posted by Loon View Post wearing white from head to toe...
    Hey! Does Captain Powder know about this?

    The contest ends in May? Hmn...
    But you can't use the ski's until December? (Prolly)

    Because the promo/contest has had so little exposure, and because the prize kicks ass, I think you should put the awarding of the prize back until Fall, or early Winter.

    ...Remember, those who think Global Warming is Fake, also think that Adam & Eve were Real...

  23. #48
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Tokyo, Japan
    That might be a plan. I know I have sent out far more stickers than there has been entries so we should give the people some time to come up with entries, especially since the skis wouldn't be used until fall anyway. As for the cost, there is no money making at all. The site is a user based site with wiki- style input. I will not sell advertising or make any money from traffic in any way. It is more of non-profit entity (actually a cost to me) to increase awareness and interest in freeriding in Japan. The stickers price just mitigates the some of the costs, including the stickers which I had printed in the US to a very high grade for weather proofing.
    Days on snow this season: 54 Last Season: 83

  24. #49
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Land of Silicone Mountains
    Quote Originally Posted by ski_trader View Post
    are you kidding? $1 per sticker to give you free publicity? no thanks.
    or you could think of it this way: $1 to try and win sick skis
    "It appears my hypocrisy knows no bounds."

  25. #50
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I love cowbell, but this thread needs an incentivizing gesture to the way of the poachninja.
    I'll send Loon 3 FKNA stickers to put in with every 10 Poachninja stickers.
    I was gonna sell them for lunch money after I pay next months rent.
    But I love the Poachninja altitude and felt honored when StuntCok wanted PN Lhasas.
    The cause is righteous.

    I'm mounting my 196 PNs tomorrow for Squaw devirginating with two hot blondes on Moanday.
    I can't enter this contest, but I'll be doing my best for a double-ass PN sticker shot on the snow.
    Now I just gotta find my fukkin camera...

    Send me an addy, Loon.

    Confuscius say: You buy Poachninja, you fly Poachninja.

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